Saturday, October 31, 2009

Why Windows 7 will not crush Linux

Sorry, just a rant against a nonsensical piece "Why Windows 7 will crush Linux" from Ron Barret who, surprisingly, usually has good technical articles and a few interesting non-technical articles.

This one piece shows, very clearly, a lack of knowledge of how things work outside the Microsoft world. Let me comment point by point, before I make more general statements further down. Quotes are in italic.
Okay it is no secret that Linux has not been able to crack the desktop, either at the home or at the workplace. Not to ignored either is that Windows lost some desktops last year (a little over 3%),but let’s not panic just yet, Windows still owns over 88% of all the desktops according to leading research.
Why does Ron Barret concentrate on "crushing" Linux when he could attack the main marketshare grabber: Apple? Does he really think of panicking or is that just an expression?
[...]Windows 7 installs easier, has simpler configuration of user settings, greater availability of software, support (you could argue that all support is awful, which is probably true) Windows support is easier to get when you need help. Gaming, MP3’s,… I could go on and on.
  • Windows 7 installs easier, but by the installation you get only the OS, not the office suite, the usual programs, the good media players, the image manipulation programs, etc.
  • Windows 7 has simpler configuration of user settings. But simplicity isn't the only question since you can get the MacOSX perverse effect : too many hidden options, which makes that anything a little more complicated than usual cannot get done from the interface, you have to go commandline. So my question is quantity of settings VS simplicity VS good explanation VS automation of whatever can be automated. And here, if whoever has any precise comparison list, I am listening carefully.
  • Windows 7 has greater availability of software. Depends on what you want to do. When my WAMP solution claims that a WAMP is only for testing and that a production tool should be a LAMP, what should I do? I am also a firm believer in centralized depots, and I find that the way to install software under Linux (like Synaptic) is much more modern and efficient than Windows software install.
To real Linux die hards… terminals rule.
Yeah, conquering die hards is the crucial problem when you're getting after marketshares!?
So Powershell presents an interesting argument for Windows adoption by the Linux user.
The very idea that an experienced Linux user could switch from the Unix philosophy to the Windows philosophy "disguised" as a command line drains tears of laughter from my eyes. Words or icons are just means, but the Unix philosophy that transpires through bash, csh or perl is a cement stronger than any interface tool.
Some people want free software (even if support is limited or non-existent).
RedHat sales are going higher and higher, is that a coincidence or does support just exist?
Applications like Firefox, Open Office, MYSQL, GIMP… wait all these applications are now available for Windows.
OK but with the exception of Firefox, most of them still run better and integrate better under Linux than under Windows.
Moreover, they are easier to install in Windows then they are in Linux.
Complete idiocy: once you have installed Ubuntu, the applications like Firefox, OOo, GIMP... are already installed. Concerning MySQL, you just have to go to Synaptic, check the "mysql" checkbox and click "install". Far easier than under Windows.
Windows 7 has solved a long-standing thorn in Microsoft’s side, How to deliver a feature rich OS without killing resources?
Okay, so Ron Barrett just confesses that Windows has long lagged behind competitors in terms of resource usage. Fine. Thanks.
Linux users have no reason to hold back anymore. Windows 7 is well placed to crush and put an end to the penguin.
Except complete programming station, polyvalent kernel that puts it everywhere from DVD players to car computers to mainframe servers, freedom from unwanted "home calls", complete view on the software from the kernel to the application, ready and working middlewares such as Apache, very good support (with full source access) like those of RedHat, IBM, HP and others...

Now that I could calm down, seriously, why would anything change about Linux users? There are two major situations:
  • Those who were fed up with Microsoft or wanted specific freedom and they will not change anything because of Windows 7.
  • Those who use Linux because it's at work or because they have a specific technical reason and they will not change either. At best they will consider changing, but whether that will be worth the migration, I doubt.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Cloud Computing Too Costly in the Long Term?

I welcomed the IDC study of the elevated cost of cloud computing in the long run (article at
There are a lot of articles about cloud computing, its cost and its risks, however, I would like to underline a single point that makes a lot of difference to me between cloud and non-cloud: cloud computing is a backward step for fair competition in IT services delivery.

I think that most of the savings made in the last years by the IT services of companies have been possible because of web 2.0. Not only because of the fact it helped interactive information sharing, interoperability, user-centered design and collaboration on the World Wide Web (Wikipedia def) but essentially because it forced companies to use open*, not vendor-specific, technologies.

This helped create a true fair competition between software developers, between hosting providers and between system integrators. They all shared a single range of technologies and could not justify high prices or low quality services just because of the technology itself.

PHP comes to my mind as a brilliant example of this fair competition revolution. It's very interoperable. They even made it capable of running on MS IIS servers! It's simple and free to use. It's improvable upon and its developers were very careful to listen to requests for improvements. And now see what it has become:

The thing is: big companies like those making cloud services today do not live on perfect competition, they live on the one hand on monopolies and on the other hand on market niches. And that's their business and I am very fine with that.
They cannot survive in a true perfect competition system, yet they want to participate in the web market which has been the number one development and services source in the past years and still will remain, I guess. Cloud computing is their attempt to build monopolies on the web and they sell it with three kinds of arguments.
  1. The economical argument. They promise good services, for cheap price, and you pay by your fidelity. Okay, as long as they do provide it.
  2. The ecological argument. I am a very skeptical environmentalist. Not skeptical about ecology but rather about first-movers on the corporate side of ecology. Seems like a lot of green paint.
  3. The technological argument. They sell the idea that all hosted applications are harmonized to a single technology and that this means it will all be cheaper. VERY TRUE.
Awfully true. It will be cheaper, for them. But as soon as you get dependent on them, since each of them has completely different technology from the other (think not only programming languages but also file formats, database formats and associated skills), they will be able to increase prices without any competitor. If you want to take the data back, you will be unable to feed it to the next cloud provider.

I think it's time "interoperability" gets into corporate policies alongside integrity, confidentiality and availability.

EDIT 10/26/2009: When I say open, I mean that corporate players cannot close the market by artifacts. This means, among other things: ASCII, not binary programs, opensource languages because the developers are so much more productive, free common libraries to build upon, a unique network to share data and software, etc.

EDIT 11/5/2009: Bob Sutor also speaks about cloud interoperability.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

F!%#¤ cryptic logs! [Bruce Schneier fun]

I couldn't get an idea of what all that logfile meant. Not binary, but not readable... Until I backed out from the screen:

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